主要论文著作(*为通讯作者) 学院工作期间 1. J. Xu, X. Tang, Z. Wang, Y. Feng, K. Bian. Investigating the softening of weak interlayers during landslides using nanoindentation experiments and simulations. Engineering Geology, accepted, doi.org/10.1016/j.enggeo.2020.105801. 2. Z. Wang*, K. Wang, X. Tang. Heterogeneous magnetic micropillars for regulated bending actuation. Extreme Mechanics Letters, 38: 100734, 2020. 3. Z. Wang*, K. Wang, D. Liang, L. Yan, K. Ni, B. Li, Z. Guo, J. Wang, X. Ma, X. Tang, H. Huang & L.-Q. Chen*. Hybrid magnetic micropillar arrays for programmable actuation. Advanced Materials, 32: 2001879, 2020. 4. 李蓓,潘蕾,查超,胡建华,李蓓,王正直. 牙科树脂复合材料准静态和动态纳米压痕研究. 武汉理工大学学报,已录用. 5. S.V. Palagummi, T. Hong, Z. Wang, C.K. Moon & M. Chiang*. Resin viscosity determines the condition for a valid exposure reciprocity law in dental composites. Dental Materials 36: 310-319, 2020. 6. D. Tan, Q. Li, B. Yang, X. Wang, S. Hu, Z. Wang, Y. Lei & L. Xue*. Continuous gradient nanoporous film enabled by delayed directional diffusion of solvent and selective swelling. Langmuir 35: 5864-5870, 2019. 7. Z. Wang*. Spatial and temporal tunability of magnetically-actuated gradient nanocomposites. Soft Matter 15: 3133-3148, 2019. (Inside Back Cover) 8. Z. Wang*, K. Wang, H. Huang*, X. Cui, X. Shi, X. Ma, B. Li, Z. Zhang*, X. Tang & M. Chiang. Bioinspired wear-resistant and ultra-durable functional gradient coatings. Small 14: 1802717, 2018. (Frontispiece Cover Highlight) 9. C. Zha, J. Hu, A. Li, S. Huang, H. Liu, G. Chen, Z. Zhang, B. Li* & Z. Wang*. Nanoindentation study on mechanical properties and curing depth of dental resin nanocomposites. Polymer Composites 40: 1473-1480, 2019. 10. C. Zha, J. Hu, A. Li, S. Huang, H. Liu, G. Chen, A. Lei, Z. Zhang, B. Li* & Z. Wang*. Nanoindentation study on mechanical properties of nano-SiO2/dental resin composites. Journal of Materials Science and Chemical Engineering 6, 57-64, 2018. 11. 张磊,曹佩琳,潘伊莎,陈瑞甜,邹佳沅,赵小娥,王正直 & 陈智. 不同大块充填树脂对II类洞龈壁密合性的影响. 口腔医学研究 34: 319-322, 2018. 12. Z. Wang*. Slanted functional gradient micropillars for optimal bioinspired dry adhesion. ACS Nano 12: 1273-1284, 2018. 13. G. Chen, A. Li, H. Liu, S. Huang, Z. Zhang, W. Liu, C. Zha, B. Li* & Z. Wang*. Mechanical and dynamic properties of resin blend and composite systems: a molecular dynamics study. Composite Structures 190: 160-168, 2018. 14. Z. Wang*, K. Wang, W. Xu, X. Gong & F. Zhang. Mapping the mechanical gradient of human dentin-enamel-junction at different intratooth locations. Dental Materials 34: 376-388, 2018. (Issue Highlights of March 2018) 15. X. Shi, H. Huang*, Z. Wang* & X. Ma*. Simulation of magnetically-actuated functional gradient nanocomposites. Applied Sciences 7: 1171, 2017. 16. Z. Wang*, X. Shi, H. Huang*, C. Yao, W. Xie, C. Huang, P. Gu, X. Ma, Z. Zhang & L.-Q. Chen. Magnetically actuated functional gradient nanocomposites for strong and ultra-durable biomimetic interfaces/surfaces. Materials Horizons 4: 869-877, 2017. (Highlight Report). 加入学院之前 17. Z. Wang & M.Y.M. Chiang*. Correlation between polymerization shrinkage stress and C-factor depends upon cavity compliance. Dental Materials 32: 343-352, 2016. (Issue Highlights of March 2016) 18. Z. Wang, F.A. Landis, A.A.M. Giuseppetti, S. Lin-Gibson & M.Y.M. Chiang*. Simultaneous measurement of polymerization stress evolution, conversion kinetics, and exotherm in ream-time. Experimental and Applied Mechanics 4: 149-153, 2016. 19. Y. Guo, F.A. Landis, Z. Wang, D. Bai, L. Jiang & M.Y.M. Chiang*. Polymerization stress evolution of a bulk-fill flowable composite under different compliances. Dental Materials 32: 578-586, 2016. 20. Z. Wang & M.Y.M. Chiang*. System compliance dictates the effect of composite filler content on polymerization shrinkage stress. Dental Materials 32: 551-560, 2016. 21. Z. Wang, P. Gu*, H. Zhang, Z. Zhang & X.P. Wu. Indenter geometrical effects on sub-micro/nano indentation and scratch behaviors of polymeric surfaces. Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structure 23: 291-300, 2016. 22. Z. Wang, F.A. Landis, A.A.M. Giuseppetti, S. Lin-Gibson & M.Y.M. Chiang*, Simultaneous measurement of polymerization stress and curing kinetics for photo-polymerized composites with high filler contents. Dental Materials 30: 1316-1324, 2014. (contributed to NIST Standard Reference Instrument 6005) 23. Z. Wang, P. Gu*, H. Zhang, Z. Zhang & X.P. Wu. Finite element modeling of the indentation and scratch response of epoxy/silica nanocomposites. Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structure 21: 802-809, 2013. 24. Z. Wang*, P. Gu & X.P. Wu, Gecko-inspired bidirectional double-sided adhesives. Soft Matter 10: 3301-3310, 2014. 25. Z. Wang, P. Gu*, X.P. Wu, H. Zhang, Z. Zhang & M.Y.M. Chiang. Micro/nano-wear studies on epoxy-silica nanocomposites. Composites Science and Technology 79: 49-57, 2013. 26. Z. Wang*, P. Gu* & X.P. Wu. A gecko-inspired double-sided adhesive. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 15: 20764-20770, 2013. 27. Z. Wang, Y. Xu & P. Gu*. Adhesive behaviour of gecko-inspired nanofibrillar arrays: combination of experiments and finite element modelling. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 45: 142001, 2012. (2012 Annual Highlights) 28. Z. Wang, P. Gu*, Z. Zhang, L. Gu & Y. Xu. Mechanical and tribological behavior of epoxy/silica nanocomposites at the micro/nano scale. Tribology Letters 42: 185-191, 2011. 29. Z. Wang, P. Gu* & Z. Zhang. Indentation and scratch behavior of nano-SiO2/polycarbonate composite coating at the micro/nano-scale. Wear 269: 21-25, 2010. 30. 王正直, 辜萍, 杨翀, 缪泓 & 张忠. 基于Matlab图像处理技术计算微纳米级磨损量. 实验力学 24: 389-394, 2009. 31. 王正直 & 辜萍. 纳米复合材料摩擦磨损性能研究进展. 润滑与密封 34: 109-114, 2009. 申请专利和软著: 1. 王正直,王添博,徐磊。一种仿生功能梯度涂层的制备方法,发明专利,申请号:201811485889.1 2. 王正直,刘子阳,陈得锋,鲁家珺,牛奔,周炬诺。一种光聚合反应中材料化学-力学参量实时追踪测试系统、方法及力学参量优化系统、方法,发明专利,申请号:201811556280.9 3. 王正直,倪克,王琨,唐旭海,郭志伟。一种仿生壁虎极端渐进式刚柔梯度微柱结构的制备方法及其应用,发明专利,申请号:201910983856.8 4. 王正直,王琨,倪克。微米级磁性镊子的制备与使用方法,发明专利,申请号:202010330459.3 5. 薛龙建,胡示骐,李倩,石奎,张晶,谭迪,张国栋,王正直。一种仿生减阻船体表面结构,发明专利,申请号:201811502997.5 6. 薛龙建,李倩,胡示骐,石奎,谭迪,苏其信,陈韦嘉,王正直,张国栋。一种仿生微腔减阻结构,发明专利,申请号:201811502513.7 7. 郭志伟,钱忠东,夏伟鹏,王正直。翼型反设计软件[简称:FADS]V1.0,软件著作权,2019SR1087048,2019年10月 8. 郭志伟,林依水,钱忠东,王正直。导叶叶轮双调计算软件[简称:DRGVIS]V1.0,软件著作权,2020SR0138264,2020年2月 |